Gretchen has been with Lapham Law Firm as the Relationship Manager since 2016. She’s been known to randomly pop into offices with delicious TREATS, to make sure everyone knows that Lapham Law Firm cares about them and their patients. She regularly attends marketing events where she continues to educate people on the benefits of working with this hardworking & caring team. She is hailed from other sources as “the nicest person ever.” True story. In addition to being “the nicest person ever,” she is busy raising two delightful boys with Joe.
Gretchen is an Advisory Board Member with MADD and a Board of Trustee with Anythink Libraries. She successfully fought her HOA to bring the first “Little Free Library” to her neighborhood in an effort to get more people reading books on a regular basis (most importantly her children!) She likes to volunteer at her boys’ school when time allows and considers her 6th Grade Outdoor Ed Chaperoning Experience as one of her favorite gigs. Gretchen is originally from Toledo, Ohio but worked in Yellowstone National Park in college where she fell in love with the mountains. She and Joe made the move to Colorado in 2003 and are thrilled to live in this beautiful state and raise their family.